Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -- Hebrews 11:1

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Parentals are HOME!

I have just returned from picking up the parentals from the Monroe airport! For those of you who know me pretty well know that I don't usually stay up this late. This must mean I really LOVE them! And maybe I missed them just a tad :)

I am glad they made it back safely. They definitely came back with more bags than they went. I learn that it is because they brought a TON of Catie's stuff home for her. Therefore, 90% of the stuff in their luggage was not even theirs! My parents are GREAT packers!

Well, tomorrow, the family is off to Florida for a wedding! We are some hardcore travelers. :) We are very excited about this small trip.

Pray for safe travel!
In Him,

1 comment:

  1. So glad that your parents had a great trip to see Catie! :) have fun in Florida! I'll be there next weekend for lauras wedding. Yay
