For the past two and half days, I have been in the large metropolis of Dallas, Tx. My friend Brooke and I went there for what like to call our 'Senior Trip.' In all actuality, we went to visit one of our best buddies, Jeremy, who moved there around two months ago. He has been asking for anyone and everyone to come visit him at his new city and new life. So, we decided to take him up on his offer and get out of Ruston for a few days before the rest of our summer is full of stuff.
While there, we did not do the normal shopping trip to Dallas like most Rustonites do for a weekend or a couple of days. We actually visited the city as well as the surrounding areas.
We arrived to the area around 8 p.m. on Tuesday night. We made a quick stop in Longview to eat Whataburger and visit one of Brooke's freshmen in her Journey group this past year at the BCM. When we got there, we unpacked and Jeremy showed us around his area and being so close to downtown, we traveled through seeing the sites. We were all very excited to see each other!
Knowing we are all morning people, we were up by 7:30 Wednesday morning while Jeremy gets ready for work. Brooke and I determine what would be best to do while Jeremy worked two hours. We though about going to Fair Park which had tons of museums and a zoo. But, when we got there, everything was closed! We were kinda shocked. But then again, it was only ten in the morning. Instead, we went to the Dallas World Aquarium. It was amazing. The inside looked like the amazaon as well as having the fish tanks at the bottom. We loved it... just not the high school kids squealing. We met up with Jeremy for lunch at Hunky's: Old Fashioned Burgers. It was a fun little burger joint with dang good burgers and old men working it who probably opened the place years before. It was precious! Jeremy then took us to the Bonner Bridge of Dallas, one of his favorite places in the area. It is just a large bridge over the Trinity River (which is not a large river at all!). We wanted to go up the Reunion Tower downtown but it was closed so we walked around downtown for a bit.
While looking around, we ran into a man by the name of Megal (if that is how you spell it). We were looking for the visitors center but somehow he got onto the topic of JFK's death and how it happened. Turns out, we got schemed! ugh. O well, he told a great story and his theory of what really happened. We gave him some money and parted ways. Finally, we found the center and got the information we needed for our Ft. Worth visit the next day. While looking out the window, I saw Megal roping in another couple! Poor people! But, that is how he makes any money for himself and his supposed family with a wife of twenty years and 3 daughters... haha.
We got back to the car before the meter ran out and headed to the apartment. After just a few minutes of deciding what to do next, we went to Arlington to visit Jeremy's new school: University of Texas at Arlington. Brooke and I bought some awesome shirts and Jeremy dealt with some horrible financial aid stuff :(. It was awesome to be able to see where he was starting the next chapter of his life at. We ended up just going to Wal-mart and grabbing some frozen dinner and EDOMOME! We just stayed at the apt and watched a movie. Nice relaxing night after a day full of fun.
Ft. Worth was on our agenda for Thursday. We had called the places we wanted to go and made sure the time and cost. We left around 9 and got there right as everything was opening at 10. Firs, we went to the Botanical Garden (ONE huge garden: 109 acres) and then traveled to the Kimbell Museum of arts. There was not alot of art work but we were able to see a few pieces from Picasso and Munch. Last, we stopped by the Water Gardens. These were amazing. Two architects created these water creations in the middle of downtown Ft. Worth. When you visit them, it is like you are not in a large city anymore. They were amazing. Ft. Worth is a nice homey city. I felt at ease there and could defintely see why my friends rave about it.
We were done with the tour of Ft. Worth (or what we wanted to see of the city) by noon and headed back to the apt to pack and head home.
The next chapter in my life... Jeremy definitely found his place out there in the real world, on his own, and loving life still. I wonder if I will be able to adjust so easily. But what I really wonder is WHAT WILL THE NEXT CHAPTER ENTAIL??
that is where prayer comes in.... :)
P.s. Here is a slideshow of the Pictures...