Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -- Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I am very wishy washy when it comes to the world of cyber communication. At first, I seem to be on board updating my status, checking profiles, and letting all those who care to know what I am doing. Then, it seems to get old; like it has taken over my life and if I do not update then I feel disconnected. Whoa, the emotions that come with cyber life.

However, I am learning that this cyber communication, although rather tasking at times, is worth it in the end. People do keep up with me and people know what is happening without having to have an awkward phone conversation.

Therefore, I will try my best to stay on top of this cyber communication trend. Blogging, twittering, and maybe even a little facebooking here and there :)

Have a great Saturday!

In Him,


  1. hooray! I love hearing about your life Emma! :)

  2. I like keeping up with you so please keep it up! Love you sweet girl!
